Dr.Elizabeth Fulgaro
Even Now
5. Even Now
Even when your faith is strong, there are those times, when hope is dark. Though you cling to the potential for what may come, for the moment it is just hard. You have thoughts of what needs to be, but you're not sure things are going to improve in the way you hoped. Then you remember Jesus. You remember He also suffered. You remember for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. You remember, God is yearning for you and each one to return to Him not just for eternal life later, but living as citizens of the Kingdom of God now. And you remember, that Jesus set an example that was not an easy life. It even included suffering unjustly as a key element. Yes, God wants to bless you and sometimes He works through suffering and so we offer it back to Him to use like Jesus did. EVEN NOW songs are just that. Songs which adore and pay homage to Him when you are oh-so weak. Even now. Even now You are still on the throne and I'm not alone. Even now I will praise you! Will you join me? Because He is, is, is still with you even now!
Coming Soon!